This Independent living scheme has been designed for Grand Union Housing Group to provide 93 no. units with ancillary facilities (some of which are open to the local community) and landscape.
The blocks have been developed by splitting the roof pitches either side of the central corridors to maintain the domestic scale of the area.
The elevations have been broken up to create distinctive public spaces and courtyards. To help with that, the forms are kept traditional but the detailing is contemporary.
The building is characterised by a limited palette of finishes, such as textured buff coloured bricks, brick headers, aluminium flashings.
Great care has been given to the landscape, which provides a quality setting for the building and creates a series of pleasant and usable spaces for residents.
In addition, consideration and incorporation of dementia needs are to be incorporated into the building and landscape.
The scheme obtained planning approval in October 2019 and it's due to start on site early 2020.